Sandy Blount

I am a retired educator who has always loved to help people reach their potential, so serving as a prayer minister has been very meaningful to me.  Along with others from my church, I have studied a variety of prayer ministry models since 1999.  However, RTF’s Issue-Focused Ministry has become my passion. I’ve never seen anything so effective.  I love to partner with God to bring healing and freedom to others as He has done for me. 

Although brought up in the church, I didn’t come to know Jesus personally until I was 25.  As a young mother in an abusive marriage, I was desperate enough to go to a Bible study where I found His unconditional love. Jesus became my anchor through years of rejection and verbal abuse, and He has been my compass to a Christ-centered identity.  Years after the divorce, God brought Ron into my life as my soul mate and wonderful husband.  We love doing prayer ministry together as we watch Jesus open prison doors!  

After I became a member of RTF’s Healing House Network and was endorsed by RTF to do international ministry, Ron and I formed Aligning With God Ministries, LLC through which we offer ministry via Zoom to those far away, or meet in person in Athens, GA USA.  We thank God for opening these doors and are eager to see what He will do as we expand our vision to other parts of the world.

Ron Blount

I am a university professor with research interests that link psychology to the medical field, and I have been a prayer minister for over 20 years.  Although I had accepted Jesus as my Savior as a child, I put my faith aside in my early adult years.  However, God was faithful, He never left me, and at the right time He drew me back to Himself.  Life away from God had left me wounded, but He began to restore me as Sandy and I sought Him together.  After receiving prayer ministry from Restoring the Foundations, Sandy and I began training to become certified RTF prayer ministers ourselves, and God has faithfully sent people to us for ministry ever since.

I love to have a front row seat as God sets receivers free during ministry sessions by breaking the bondages of the past, healing the painful experiences of life, and righting wrong thinking so that they can walk in the abundant life Jesus has always intended for us to have.  We have had several people come for ministry after seeing the transformation of family members or friends who had received IFM.   How exciting to watch God heal families!

As a married couple, we are authorized to minister to both men and women, and we are committed to partnering with God to bring healing and freedom to the Bride of Christ. It’s wonderful to have a part in what God does for His children!

Why We Love Issue-Focused Ministry

  • Guided by the Holy Spirit: Every part of the ministry, from the planning to the conclusion, is guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Unique to each Receiver: A unique ministry plan is created for each individual Ministry Receiver to address his/her specific needs.
  • Focused and Clear: The ministry is clearly focused on one main issue, one that is the prevailing problem that keeps the Prayer Receiver from the abundant life that Jesus died to give us.
  • Four Integrated Areas: RTF’s integrated approach addresses four foundational problem areas, beginning with the Scriptural basis and providing ministry steps based on God’s Word.
  • God Encounters: RTF prayer ministers are trained to facilitate encounters with the Living God where the Holy Spirit can lead the Ministry Receiver in replacing generational curses with blessings, ungodly beliefs with Godly beliefs, deep woundedness with healing, and demonic oppression with freedom.  
  • Faith Built in a Life Restored:  Focusing on one issue at a time is simple, builds faith as God heals, and gives confidence to walk in the newness of all that God changed.   
  • Consistent, Safe, Confidential:  The RTF program has strong protocols that ensure quality, safety, and confidentially consistently around the world.   

Our Vision

Aligning with God Ministries seeks to partner with God to provide every ministry receiver hope for healing and the freedom to pursue God’s renewed destiny and purpose.

Our Values

Our Mission

Aligning With God Ministries offers Issue-Focused Ministry, both on-line and in the Athens area, that is consistent with the high standards of Restoring the Foundations International.